  • RGA Ex 021
  • RGA IN 05x1
  • RGA Ex 01
  • RGA IN 04x1
Room information
Spaces Room Type Room Code Occupancy 2024-2025 Rate / Person
13 One-bedroom 1B1P One family $1,810/Month
3 Large one-bedroom 1B1P-LG One family $1,880/Month
Spaces13Room TypeOne-bedroomRoom Code1B1POccupancyOne familyRate / Person$1,810/Month
Spaces3Room TypeLarge one-bedroomRoom Code1B1P-LGOccupancyOne familyRate / Person$1,880/Month
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Floor Plan
USC offers a wide-variety of floor plans. This floor plan is typical, though the actual layout and dimensions will vary among buildings that share this plan. Where the exact plan for a room type was not available, the closest approximation was used. Some items shown are for decorative purposes and not included in the room or apartment.
12-Month Contract
Air Conditioning


Regent is a small building housing for married students and students with families. These one-bedroom units are ideal for couples or families with a single child. The apartments have recently been renovated with new bathrooms and full kitchens as well as new furniture, carpeting, interior painting and window treatments.  All of the apartments feature queen beds.  The living rooms are air-conditioned.

Features & Amenities

Regent is great for families. The small size of the building and the central courtyard are child-friendly and promote a communal atmosphere.

Regent is a ten-minute walk to campus, and a block north of the shopping and dining offered in USC Village.


Limited carport parking is available. Regent is a ten-minute walk to campus, and a block north of the shopping and dining offered in USC Village.