Housing assignments for new freshmen and graduate students as well as transferring undergraduates are made on a first-come, first-served basis. After class standing, the single most important factor in determining if and where you will be assigned is the date we receive your application.

The earlier you apply, the greater the likelihood you will receive one of your building, room type or program preferences. This is particularly true for freshman and graduate buildings in high demand. Only admitted students may apply, and it’s a good idea to apply as soon as you are admitted.

New Freshmen (first-years): Once admitted to USC, new freshmen will receive an e-mail from USC Housing with information about how to login and apply. They may apply when the application portal opens in early February.

Freshmen applying by the May 1 deadline are

  • guaranteed a housing assignment
  • eligible to be considered for a special interest community
  • able to participate in the online roommate matching process

Transferring Undergraduates: The application portal for new transfers opens in early February. They may apply once admitted to USC. Please note that assignments for transfers are based on space availability and are not guaranteed.

New Graduate Students:  Grad students may apply once they are admitted.  After registering on the Housing portal they may login and apply when the application portal opens in early February.

Continuing Non-resident Students:  USC students not currently in university housing may apply when the portal opens in early February.

Please note: Based on past experience, USC Housing expects to receive applications from newly admitted students for the 2025-2026 academic year as early as February, 2025. Most incoming freshmen apply by May 1. Most transferring students apply by July 1.


Application and Assignments Timeline
Application and Assignments Timeline 2025 - 2026
February 1Application for New Students Opens
May 1Application Deadline for: Guaranteed Freshman Housing, Freshman Roommate-Matching Eligibility and Living Learning Communities
Mid-MayE-mail Notification of 1st Round of Freshman Assignments
Late MayReassignment List Begins
Early JuneE-mail Notification of 2nd Round of Freshman Assignments
June 6Last Day for New Students to Cancel with $800 Refund
July 1Spring 2026 Application Opens
July 10Reassignment List Ends
Early AugustMove-in Information Available
August 11Graduate Housing Contracts Begin
August 20Undergraduate Housing Contracts Begin
Mid-SeptemberOver the Counter Reassignment Begins
Early NovemberReassignment Ends for Fall Semester
Late NovemberE-mail Notification of New Spring Assignments
December 17Fall Move-out Date for Residence Halls and Suites
January 8Spring Move-In Day
Mid-JanuaryOver the Counter Reassignment Begins
May 13Check-Out Day for Academic Year (9 month) Contracts
July 31Check-Out Day for Graduate Full Year (12 month) Contracts